Acne org Treatment (Benzoyl Peroxide – 2.5%)


This 2.5% benzoyl peroxide treatment is gel-based so it goes on clear and spreads easily. It is pharmaceutical grade, pH balanced, fragrance-free, and dye-free. It won’t “clump up” with moisturizers, and won’t turn white when you perspire.

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After many years of members asking me to produce and sell a 2.5% benzoyl peroxide, I decided to go ahead and make this generously sized, gel-based 2.5% benzoyl peroxide, and to make it as perfect as possible to use with The Regimen. That meant it had to be big so people had plenty of it to get completely clear, gel-based so it would spread easily and wouldn’t turn white when you sweat, pH-balanced to keep irritation to a minimum, and contain super-fine pharmaceutical-grade particles of benzoyl peroxide so it could penetrate deeply and clear the skin.

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Why 2.5% strength?

Several studies show that 2.5% benzoyl peroxide clears acne just as well as 10% solutions. Importantly, it also produces much less irritation. This is important for two reasons:

  • Irritation of the skin can lead to more acne. It is very important to reduce irritation when it comes to acne-prone skin.
  • Because 2.5% dries the skin less than 10% benzoyl peroxide, using a 2.5% benzoyl peroxide makes a daily benzoyl peroxide regimen sustainable because it doesn’t overdry the skin.

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What is pharmaceutical grade? Treatment is triple milled to ensure extra-fine and extra-potent particles of benzoyl peroxide. This is why you won’t find grittiness in Treatment like you often do in other benzoyl peroxide products. When applied to the skin, the micronized particles of benzoyl peroxide penetrate more deeply and completely into the skin where they do their job of clearing and preventing acne.

People clear up more quickly and completely with a pharmaceutical grade benzoyl peroxide, and you should be able to switch over from whichever benzoyl peroxide you’re currently using to a pharmaceutical grade product like Treatment with confidence. However, in rare circumstances, certain people have reported that they experienced a breakout upon switching to Treatment. Although this is uncommon, there is an explanation. It is likely the result of the smaller particles of benzoyl peroxide reaching deeper into the skin and activating the clogged pores that are well below the surface. These clogged pores were destined to become pimples at some point, and switching to a pharmaceutical grade benzoyl peroxide simply brought them to the surface. The good news is that even if you have an initial breakout, it should clear up quickly, and then you can expect your skin to stay clearer moving forward.

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How does benzoyl peroxide work?

Whether we are talking about the face or the body, acne problems start the same way. For reasons no one completely understands, a pore becomes clogged, trapping skin oil that normally drains to the surface. Inside skin oil lives acne bacteria, which multiplies in the clogged pore, and voila, a zit is born.

Acne treatments usually target one of the two phases of a blemish’s life cycle, whereas benzoyl peroxide likely targets both:

  • Preventing the initial clogged pore: Benzoyl peroxide is a drying and peeling agent, unclogging pores and preventing new clogged pores.
  • Killing acne bacteria: Out of any over-the-counter or prescription medication on the market, benzoyl peroxide kills bacteria the best. Studies show benzoyl peroxide kills over 99% of acne bacteria within minutes.

One more benefit of benzoyl peroxide that is still not completely understood is how it dramatically calms the skin and improves the overall complexion. You’ll notice after you use Treatment for a few weeks that your complexion will transform from red and irritated to balanced, even-toned, and healthy looking.

To sum it all up, when you use enough 2.5% benzoyl peroxide, especially pharmaceutical-grade benzoyl peroxide, in the right way as outlined in The Regimen, it’s quite simply stronger than acne, and will leave your skin clear, balanced, and healthy.

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How to use 2.5% benzoyl peroxide?

The secret to using benzoyl peroxide is to use a lot of it(once you have slowly ramped up the dosage). This is why it was a no-brainer to make Treatment only in large sizes.

It is also important to remember to stay gentle when you apply it. I often tell people to “go overboard with how gentle you stay when you apply it.” Use only a featherlight touch and allow your skin to do the work, absorbing the benzoyl peroxide on its own without rubbing. If after 2 minutes it’s still not completely absorbed, just let the rest absorb on its own.

Important – follow The Regimen instructions precisely: Since I can’t say everything right here, be sure to read through The Regimen carefully before you start using Treatment. You should start clearing up quickly and reliably if you follow it precisely. Many people find it helpful to bring the Regimen video into the bathroom with them the first couple of times they perform The Regimen until they have it down pat.

Reminder: I strongly recommend that everyone add in AHA+ (10% Glycolic Acid) after 1 month on The Regimen. It turbo-charges benzoyl peroxide, and provides insurance that you will stay completely clear.

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What are the risks and warnings?

As with any benzoyl peroxide product, it is important that you start slowly with the amount that you use. Benzoyl peroxide comes with what dermatologists refer to as the well-known “hardening effect.” This means that benzoyl peroxide causes redness, dryness, and itchiness in many people for the first few weeks until the skin gets used to it. While this is unavoidable to some extent, you can prevent some of the redness and dryness by being prudent and STARTING SLOWLY (notice how this is in all caps – trust me), with just a pea-size amount once a day for the first week, and then slowly upping your dosage and frequency from there.

Also, a very small percentage (about 1 in 500) of the population is allergic to benzoyl peroxide, which is evidenced by swelling and/or severe crusting. If you suspect you may be allergic, test it on a small area (the meaty part of the inner elbow is a good spot) for a few days before diving in.

Lastly, benzoyl peroxide can bleach dyed fabrics, so keep it away from clothing that you love. Benzoyl peroxide may also bleach hair and eyebrows in some people to some extent.

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Why is it so inexpensive?

I am able to offer such a large and high quality benzoyl peroxide at a low price and still make a profit due to my low overhead. Also, because you are ordering directly from me, there are no complex distribution channels or middlemen that inflate prices. Lastly, I do not advertise and have no marketing department (so please help spread the word about The Regimen by making a YouTube video or sharing your journey in some other way on social media).

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How many do I need per month?

For the face: about one 8 oz. benzoyl peroxide tube  For the body (face, neck, back, chest and/or shoulders): about two 8 oz. benzoyl peroxide tubes (consider purchasing the 16 oz. benzoyl peroxide)
benzoyl peroxide  benzoyl peroxide benzoyl peroxide
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